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Piazza dei Facchini, 16 - 56125 Pisa apespisa@apespisa.it

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Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standarddummy text ever since this 2021 (…) Our offices are located on the traditional, unced. photo booth stumptown to banksy, elit small batch freegan… How to Attain

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standarddummy text ever since this 2021 (…) Our offices are located on the traditional, unced. photo booth stumptown to banksy, elit small batch freegan… How to Attain

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standarddummy text ever since this 2021 (…) Our offices are located on the traditional, unced. photo booth stumptown to banksy, elit small batch freegan… How to Attain

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standarddummy text ever since this 2021 (…) Our offices are located on the traditional, unced. photo booth stumptown to banksy, elit small batch freegan… How to Attain

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standarddummy text ever since this 2021 (…) Our offices are located on the traditional, unced. photo booth stumptown to banksy, elit small batch freegan… How to Attain

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standarddummy text ever since this 2021 (…) Our offices are located on the traditional, unced. photo booth stumptown to banksy, elit small batch freegan… How to Attain

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standarddummy text ever since this 2021 (…) Our offices are located on the traditional, unced. photo booth stumptown to banksy, elit small batch freegan… How to Attain

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standarddummy text ever since this 2021 (…) Our offices are located on the traditional, unced. photo booth stumptown to banksy, elit small batch freegan… How to Attain

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SCADENZA : 27/06/2022 ORE 12:00 In data 28/06/2022 ore 9:00 presso gli uffici di Apes verrà svolta la seduta di gara per la verifica delle documentazione amministrativa presentata dalla imprese partecipanti. La seduta

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Termine di scadenza: 20/06/2022 ore 12.00. SI COMUNICA CHE LE OFFERTE DOVRANNO PERVENIRE PRESSO LA NUOVA SEDE DI APES, SITA IN PIAZZA DEI FACCHINI N. 16 – 56125 PISA. Avviso “Si comunica che